Orana Arts’ Creative Consulting arm is about working with organisations interested in the benefits and opportunities that come with tapping into OA’s expertise, creative talent pool of artists and designers, content producers and teachers, our networks, and experience in the regional arts sector over the past two decades. We work with organisations that see the value of new perspectives, creative problem solving, and storytelling.
Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders looking at a digital presentation of photography in the IDhero exhibition at the Maliyan Cultural Centre, with CEO of Wellington Local Aboriginal Land Council, Tara Stanley, December 2022
Orana Arts was pleased to assist the Wellington Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) in its successful bid to make the Maliyan Cultural Centre digital ready, through the Create NSW Creative Capital Program.
The LALC has been awarded $35,000 to install internal, removable walls, monitors, projectors, speakers and a variety of media players to give artists the broadest possible set of tools to create, imagine and make. There will also be a new reception desk to welcome visitors to the Centre.
On the back of a successful IDhero opening with artist Dennis Golding, Orana Arts look forward to working with the Wellington LALC in continuing to build a place for all of Wellington to share and celebrate their heritage on Wiradjuri land.
Orana Arts is keen to hear from artists interested in projects associated with the Maliyan Cultural Centre space.
This work has allowed me to bring my experience and skillsets together with my love for the arts, working with a team of people on strategic planning, marketing and communications, mentoring, and content production.
- Kim V. Goldsmith, content creator
SYDNEY TRAINS, 2020-2021
Orana Arts has been working in partnership with Sydney Trains (Transport NSW) to facilitate a collaboration between artists, Sydney Trains and our organisation, in recognition of the 140-year history of the station and its heritage. This has included the commissioning of a public artwork on the railway station site.
Three regional artists have been part of this project – Tim Winters (sculptor), Louise Austin (graphic designer) and Kim V. Goldsmith (content producer), creating a commemorative sculpture on the railway station site, graphically designed, interpretive signage recognising the Indigenous connection and history to the area, and videos that document the railway site, the creation of the public artwork, and the significance of the railway corridor of the area to Indigenous communities of the region.
“The benefit for us in working with those artists and their connections is we get to talk about threatened species to a wider community, a wider audience.”
Art of Threatened Species was a partnership between Orana Arts and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). As a project, it used the arts to increase awareness of threatened species in NSW and activate engagement in environment issues within the State.
Ten species across 10 different locations in NSW were studied by 10 regional artists undertaking self-directed residencies that included field trips and creative dialogue with threatened species field experts including Save our Species program officers, NSW National Park Rangers and other DPIE officers.
The resulting works were shown at the Western Plains Cultural Centre hosted exhibition in Dubbo, in 2019/20. An exhibition publication and public talks with artists and scientists talking about the experience of working together attracted a large audience over the summer of the show.
Orana Arts Receives International Attention for its New Arts-Based Rehabilitation Program. Read more.
Using the arts to provide positive pathways back to education and the community, Orana Arts worked with Correctional Services in the Macquarie and the Hunter Valleys to deliver a range of arts programming. The goals of the program were designed around supporting the individuals develop better social and life skills, decreasing anti-social behaviour, and increasing opportunities for leadership and the cultural capabilities of the individuals in the programs.
Over a two-year period, music, writing, craft and art was delivered by qualified regionally-based artists. Orana Arts employed and managed the artists, developed, delivered and evaluated the program and advocated for the program in the wider community and amongst NGOs and government agencies.